Membership Application
As a member you can benefit from our numerous contacts within the association, participate in our events and join the members-only, closed Facebook-group. In the future we hope to organise mentoring and training.
We welcome all who support our goals and views!
Please send the application vie the form below. The fields are in english as follows:
Etunimi * = First name
Sukunimi * = Surname
Sähköpostiosoite * = e-mail address
Sähköpostiosoite toimii myös käyttäjätunnuksena. = Your e-mail will also functions as your username.
Salasana = Password
Lähiosoite * = Address
Postinumero * = Postal code
Postitoimipaikka * = Post office (city)
Työtehtävä tai ammatti * = Title or profession
Työnantaja = Employer
Matkapuhelinnumero = Mobile number
Lisätietoja = Additional information (Here you can answer the questions below, if you wish.)
Haluatko olla yhdistysaktiivi? = Do you wish to be active in the association?
Osallistutko talkootöihin? = Do you wish to do volunteer work?
Omaatko taitoja, joita haluaisit hyödyntää toiminnassamme? = Do you have special skills you wish to utilize in the association?
Lähetä jäsenhakemus = Send application
New members are required to pay a joining fee of 25 €, which is the amount of the annual membership fee. The joining fee is charged within approximately to weeks from sending of the application. The annual membership fee will not be charged for the first year of membership.
* information marked by an asterisk are mandatory